Is Yoga Demonic? All You Want To Know
Is Yoga Demonic?
Are there any yoga-related issues that Christians should be aware of? Or is it just another thing that some fervent Christians believe to be demonic?
Although many people only practice yoga for its physical benefits on the body, its spiritual roots are deeply ingrained and it may have a significant positive impact on the soul. I want to give readers of this blog a basic understanding of yoga’s spiritual foundations and explain why it might be best for Christians to steer clear of it.
For more specific information, keep reading.
Table of Contents
What Is Yoga?
“Yoga” means to be “yoked with” or “united with,” which is a concept taught in ancient (The Vedas) Hindu writings In those texts, it talks about being “yoked with the universal consciousness” and the “merging one’s soul with the divine.” The Vedas were written by the ancient sages who were said to have received a divine revelation about the discipline of yoga and how to merge one’s soul with the universal consciousness, called the “Brahma.” This is how both the rigid discipline and the poses or postures developed. The ancient sages who created these poses were not under “divine revelation,” but rather a demonic spirit that was influencing them to create this spiritual discipline leading people to believe salvation does not come through Jesus Christ.
The majority of yoga practitioners don’t realize this profound spiritual connection, and few of them aspire to enlightenment or universal consciousness. Instead, stretching, physical activity, and even mental health are the main reasons why they practice yoga. In and of itself, pursuing these goals is fantastic, but doing so while pretending to practice yoga is very risky. Yoga is not only contrary to the Bible and Christianity, but it can also lead to severe demonization.
Yoga Means
Yoga, from the Sanskrit word meaning “to harness one’s control,” refers to a variety of energetic and physical exercises, some of which have been practiced for thousands of years.
According to Christian Lee Novetzke, an associate professor of comparative religion and South Asian studies at the University of Washington with expertise in Hinduism, the fundamental goal of yoga is to purify oneself of karma—the results of one’s actions throughout a lifetime—and end the cycle of rebirth in order to unite one’s spirit with the absolute.
The 1960s saw a surge in popularity for yoga in the United States thanks to yoga instructor B.K.S. Novetzke said that Iyengar focused more on its health advantages than its religious aspects. See more about What Is Yoga Sculpt?

Yoga In Hinduism And The New Age
Numerous yoga asanas and asana sequences are performed to worship particular Hindu gods and goddesses, including Shakti, Shiva, Ganesha, the moon, and the sun. Yoga is so much more than just physical stretching; it is a true religion. It places a strong emphasis on practicing meditation, trying to think more clearly, and looking for one’s “inner light.” Additionally, this links yoga to new age spirituality, which on the surface seems to be acceptable to Christians but is wholly opposed to their principles and beliefs.
One of the most popular forms of physical exercise and spirituality worldwide, Westernized yoga is a New Age practice.
Dangers Of Yoga Practices
If you practice yoga, you’re letting demons into your mind, where they’ll gradually sway you from your devotion to Christ and eventually try to steal your soul.
Hindu gods and goddesses must be invoked through chanting in order to practice some forms of yoga, such as Bhakti yoga, which is done in their honor. This is considered idolatry and sin in God’s eyes. Participating in this practice grants these demonic powers a legal right, which instantly opens the door to your soul.
Kundalini yoga is a form of yoga that invokes an “energy” or “force” that coils up a person’s spine. It is thought to activate enlightenment, achieve soul activation, and bring harmony between all of the person’s chakras. But this is a spirit, not an energy or force. After engaging in this type of yoga, people are frequently freed from a snake spirit they had let inside of them.
Perhaps yoga’s inherent spirit of inquiry, of “living into the answers,” thus partially explains the fear-laced vitriol expressed towards yoga and contemplative religions by conservative Christian partisans. Contemplative thought’s inclusive and pluralistic nature can easily be seen as a threat to monotheistic paradigms that uphold the Word of God (i.e., the ) as the only reliable source of knowledge.
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